Are the Princetonians Passé?
: Evaluating the post-conservative critique of Charles Hodge

  • Michael Lawrence Gurney

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy (awarded by OU/Aberdeen)


The theological method of Charles Hodge is widely recognized as a major influence on American evangelical theology. Consequently, the merits and liabilities of Hodge‘s theology, particularly his epistemological influences, most notably Scottish Common Sense Realism, have made Hodge‘s theology and epistemology the focus of much analysis and debate. This present work examines and evaluates three prominent objections to Hodge‘s epistemological use of Scottish Realism and its theological effects, with the primary focus on recent criticisms raised by ―post-conservatives‖ based upon postmodern criticisms of the credibility of foundationalism, propositionalism, and realism. The conclusion drawn and defended is that Hodge‘s theological method, particularly his use of Scottish Realism, while in need of some modification, is plausible, even in a postmodern context.
Date of Award2 May 2012
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Edinburgh
SupervisorAndrew McGowan (Supervisor) & Paul Helm (Supervisor)

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