Working Document submitted to ICES Working Group on Widely Distributed Stocks (WGWIDE) 2021: Overview of the Scottish Pelagic Industry Self-Sampling Programme with potential data opportunities relevant to stock assessment

Katie Brigden, Steve Mackinson, Chevonne Angus, Liz Clarke, Jessica Craig, Campbell Pert

Research output: Other contribution


Data collected by industry has the potential to provide data to stock assessment and contribute to the quality of stock assessment and ICES advice. This working document provides:
 An overview of the Scottish pelagic industry self-sampling programme.
 A summary of the Scottish pelagic industry self-sampling data collected since 2018 for mackerel, herring and blue whiting.
 Example data: distribution maps of self-sampling / co-sampling and the biological data available for mackerel in 2021, alongside Marine Scotland Science (MSS) onshore sampling data for the same fishery/period.
This is a preliminary presentation of the work carried out by the Scottish Pelagic Industry Self-sampling Programme, to communicate its future data contribution to WGWIDE.
Original languageEnglish
TypeWorking document
Media of outputText (PDF)
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 31 Dec 2021


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