Undertaking Your Research Project: Essential Guidance for Undergraduates and Postgraduates

Keith Smyth, Frank Rennie, Gareth Davies, Matt Sillars, Amy Elizabeth Woolvin

Research output: Book/ReportBook


For students undertaking a research project this book offers a useful roadmap for the important issues you will have to consider. It is not intended to be a comprehensive volume on research methods, but rather a short, practical guide with tips and suggested activities relating to key aspects of the research process. Different chapters will appeal to different research objectives and styles. A range of topics is covered including working with quantitative or qualitative data, visual analysis and understanding the relevance of your research.

The book is accompanied by a website that takes forward the themes of each chapter by providing additional reading and sources of information as well as an opportunity to join a discussion with fellow readers. There are video and audio clips from the authors and other experts as well as links to further digital tools and resources.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages101
ISBN (Electronic)B01IVR27IQ
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jul 2016


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