The Playing Together, Apart Framework: A framework for communication in Networked Music Performance

Miriam Iorwerth, Don Knox

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    The Playing Together, Apart Framework is a framework for understanding communication between musicians in Networked Music Performance (NMP). Previous research has largely focused on technical issues such as latency and synchronisation, and this framework aims to extend this research into further understanding of the experiences of, and the communication between, musicians in NMP, and the factors affecting this. The framework is based on duo musicians, working in informal NMP situations, playing acoustic instruments. The framework shows the audio and video communication paths, and the influences on both the transmission and reception elements of the communication chain in NMP. General issues in NMP, such as the rhythmic content of the music, the expertise and
    experience of the musicians when dividing attention, the use of video, and the socioemotional and professional relationships between musicians are examined in further detail. This framework is proposed as a basis for further research into NMP, and for expansion and development by researchers.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalJournal of Music, Technology and Education
    Publication statusPublished - 2 Mar 2021


    • networked music
    • communication
    • performance
    • ensemble
    • musicians' experience
    • social isolation


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