The Changing Outer Hebrides: Galson and the Meaning of Place

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    This is a fascinating and intimate account of the inter-relationship between one small island village in the Hebrides and the wider world. From the formation of the bedrock 3 billion years ago, to the predictable near-future, the layers of this unique landscape are explored. The social history of the people is closely interwoven with the natural environment in a journey of deep mapping to consider the meaning of special places. Through the Iron Age and the Clearances to the contemporary events of community land ownership, a portrayal is given that challenges the perception that this is a remote place, isolated at the edge, but instead is crucial to our contemporary relationship with the land.
    Winner of the Highland Book Prize 2020
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherAcair Ltd
    Number of pages252
    ISBN (Electronic)978-1789070835
    ISBN (Print)178907083X
    Publication statusPublished - 23 Nov 2020


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