Tensile strained Ge membranes

V. A. Shah, O. Trushkevych, M. Myronov, S. Rhead, J. Halpin, R. Edwards, D. R. Leadley

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Germanium membranes of 50-1000 nm thickness have been fabricated by a combination of epitaxial growth on a Si substrate and simple etching processes. The biaxial tensile strain in these membranes has been measured by high-resolution X-ray diffraction and by ultrasonic vibrational spectroscopy. The later technique also shows that membranes have a Q-factor of ∼3000 at low temperature. The stain in these membranes is extremely isotropic and the surface is observed to be very smooth, with an rms roughness of below 2 nm. The process of membrane fabrication also serves to remove the misfit dislocation network that originally forms at the Si/Ge interface, with benefits for the mechanical, optical and electrical properties of the crystalline membranes.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 12 May 2014
Event2014 15th International Conference on Ultimate Integration on Silicon, ULIS 2014 - Stockholm, Sweden
Duration: 7 Apr 20149 Apr 2014


Conference2014 15th International Conference on Ultimate Integration on Silicon, ULIS 2014


  • epitaxy
  • germanium
  • membrane
  • Q-factor


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