Supporting the development of skills for extended practice in biomedical science – pasta, vegetables and mushy peas!

Sara Smith

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Continual professional development is essential to foster and enhance professionals’ abilities. A wide variety of methods have been adopted to support professional learning for healthcare professions but many still focus upon a need to update knowledge and the learning of isolated competencies for practice. The purpose of this paper is to report upon a collaborative partnership that enabled the reframing of a professional development course away from this objectivist epistemology to foster pedagogically appropriate approaches nurturing the development of the knowledge and skills required for extended practice in specimen dissection.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)712-722
Number of pages11
JournalHigher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 5 Aug 2019


  • professional learning
  • collaborative partnerships
  • continual professional developement
  • creative learning
  • simulated learning


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