Strategic orientation for the ocean energy market roll-out: Coherent technology learning by system dynamics modelling of trans-organisational expert knowledge

Ralf Bucher, Ian Bryden

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The development of an alternative power generation method requires, apart from long-term political support, strong commitment on the technology and financing side. Tidal stream and wave energy presently move from full-scale prototype testing to the implementation of first multi-device arrays. With the intention to gain comprehensive insight into present ocean energy activities and plannings, a diversified interview series was conducted by which 44 experts from 13 stakeholder groups provided their knowledge in the form of 2,129 individual replies. To master the amount and complexity of the cross-category information received and to identify the fundamental statements and concerns, all interview data were systematically consolidated and formed as such the input for the configuration of system dynamics computer models. Based on the calculated ranking of top-level driving factors for the ocean energy commercialisation process and the subsequent analysis of representative interview statements, balanced propositions for the strategic orientation of technology-driving stakeholders are made.
Original languageEnglish
Article number8
Pages (from-to)103-112
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Energy Challenges and Mechanics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2014


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