Sir John Evans: Experimental Knapping and the Origins of Lithic Research

H. Lamdin-Whymark

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Sir John Evans is one of the founding fathers of Palaeolithic archaeology. In 1859 he, along with Joseph Prestwich, demonstrated the provenance of artefacts in the drift and that they were the product of the human hand, so proving the greater antiquity of humankind. This paper traces the origins of John Evans’ experimental flint knapping back to 1859 and explores how these experiments influenced his argument that the flints from the Somme were the product of the human hand. The paper also briefly explores the influence of John Evans’ experimental flint knapping on his approach to lithic analysis and the identification of fakes and frauds. Full reference: Lamdin-Whymark, H. 2009. Sir John Evans: experimental flint knapping and the origins of lithic research. In R. Hosfield, F. Wenban-Smith & M. Pope (eds.) Great Prehistorians: 150 Years of Palaeolithic Research, 1859–2009 (Special Volume 30 of Lithics: The Journal of the Lithic Studies Society): 45–52. Lithic Studies Society, London. Keywords: Sir John Evans, Ancient Stone Implements, experimental flintknapping, archaeological fakes, Flint Jack
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)45-47
Number of pages3
JournalLithics – The Journal of the Lithic Studies Society
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jan 2009


  • Sir John Evans
  • Ancient Stone Implements
  • Experimental flintknapping
  • Archaeological fakes
  • Flint Jack


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