Shetland hand knitting: value and change

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Final report on research project 'Shetland hand knitting' undertaken in partnership with the ShetlandPeerieMakkers, 2016-17.

The research questions addressed by this overview are:
Who does hand knitting in Shetland today?
What do Shetland hand knitters value about hand knitting?
How do Shetland hand knitters see the future of Shetland hand knitting?
How do ‘craft’ or ‘creative’ tourists interact with Shetland hand knitting?
How does international interest affect local perceptions of Shetland hand knitting?
How does Shetland hand knitting relate to the creative industries?
How does Shetland hand knitting relate to wider Shetland society?
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages66
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • craft; skill transmission; tourism; knitting; creative industries; Shetland; rural


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