Shetland Fisheries Statistics 2016

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    Almost 72,000 tonnes of fish and shellfish worth some £79 million were landed in Shetland in 2016. The weight of landings was slightly less than in 2015 but their value was substantially greater.
    - One-quarter of all the finfish (whitefish + pelagic fish) landed in Scotland in 2016, and one-fifth of all landings in the UK, were made in Shetland.
    - More fish and shellfish were landed in Shetland – and in Lerwick – in 2016 that in any other port in the UK, except Peterhead.
    - More finfish (whitefish + pelagic fish) were landed in Shetland in 2016 than in all of England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
    - Shetland fishing boats landed almost 126,000 tonnes of fish and shellfish worth a record almost £118 million in 2016.
    - Shetland fishing boats accounted for almost one fifth of all the fish and shellfish landed by UK boats in 2016.
    - Almost 16,000 tonnes of whitefish (haddock, cod, monks, plaice, etc.) worth about £33 million were landed in Shetland in 2016, more than three-quarters of it by local boats. The weight and value of whitefish landings were both substantially greater than in 2015.
    - Shetland fishing boats landed almost 16,000 tonnes of whitefish worth over £29 million in 2016, the highest value of landings ever. Most of these landings were made in Shetland.
    - Lerwick ranked 4th in in the UK for whitefish landings by UK vessels, Scalloway 8th and Cullivoe 13th.
    - Almost 50,000 tonnes of pelagic fish (mackerel, herring, etc.), worth about £41 million were landed in Shetland in 2016.
    - About 3,000 tonnes of shellfish (crabs, lobsters, scallops, etc.) worth almost £5 million were landed in Shetland in 2016.
    - An estimated 420,000 tonnes of fish and shellfish, worth some £365 million, were landed from the Shetland part of the UK EEZ by EU and UK fishing boats in 2016. That is almost one-third of all the fish and shellfish landed from the UK EEZ.
    - Shetland fishing boats caught less than one-sixth of the fish and shellfish landed from the Shetland part of the UK EEZ in 2016.
    - Less than one-fifth of the fish and shellfish caught in the Shetland part of the UK EEZ in 2016 were landed in Shetland.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherNAFC Marine Centre
    Number of pages32
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2017


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