RRS James Cook Cruise JC086: Glasgow to Glasgow Extended Ellett Line 6th May 2013 > 26th May 2013

Colin Griffiths, N.P. Holliday

Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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This report describes the events that occurred during JC086, a joint SAMS/NOCS cruise on the RRS James Cook that sailed from Glasgow on the 6th May and returned to Glasgow on the 26th May during 2013. The principle objective of the cruise was to undertake the sampling of the Extended Ellett Line (EEL), an annual section of CTD and bio-chemical hydrographic stations that runs from the Sound of Mull via Rockall to Iceland.
The Extended Ellett Line is funded by NERC under the National Capability Program.
More information on the history and findings of the Extended Ellett Line can be found at:- http://projects.noc.ac.uk/ExtendedEllettLine/.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherScottish Association for Marine Science
Number of pages229
Publication statusPublished - 2013

Publication series

NameSAMS Internal reports


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