Reflective Practice and Scottish Further Education: Synergy or Stalemate?

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


There has been a desire to embed the concept of reflective practice into many of the facets of Scottish Further Education College work following incorporation. A brief analysis of the concept within its wider critical literature is presented. Drawing on interviews with staff in the Scottish FE sector, some of the practical and conceptual difficulties that may he associated with the implementation of reflective practice are considered. Throughout the paper particular attention is directed at the following questions:

• How is reflective practice currently critically defined?

• What perceptions of reflective practice does the current Further Education sector have?

• How might the current Further Education sector shape and influence reflective practice, and what barriers might impede its acceptance

It is concluded that the management practices of contemporary FE may be contributing to the erosion of true ‘double-loop’ reflection. The priority given to competence in standards for the training of FE lecturers presents major hurdles for universities charged with developing reflective practitioners.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)79-100
Number of pages22
Journal Journal of Adult and Continuing Education
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2001


  • Reflective practice
  • experiential learning
  • managerialsm
  • post incorporation
  • Scottish Further Education


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