Reconfiguring the Historical Ontologies of Northern Communities in the Art of Will Maclean

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At the beginning of this paper, we questioned the tenets of a too narrow binary Postcolonialism and the increasing need for a more inclusive paradigm to interrogate peripheral and semi-peripheral Modernisms. We have seen the ways that an anthropological approach can bring us to a renewed awareness of the sensuous – the encounter with An Sùileachan, in particular, is first and foremost a physical one. We have seen that a purely hermeneutic approach can blind us to what is in front of our eyes as we search for inner meaning. However, it is also clear that whilst the sensuous is a starting point, it has to be allied to the interpretation of a code.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRelate North
Subtitle of host publicationArt & design for education and sustainability
EditorsTimo Jokela, Glen Coutts
Place of PublicationRovaniemi
PublisherLapland University Press
Number of pages22
ISBN (Electronic)978-952-310-928-5
Publication statusPublished - 30 Dec 2018


  • 25ref2021


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