Recent science results with the two-telescope IOTA

Rafael Millan-Gabet, Ettore Pedretti, John D. Monnier, Wesley A. Traub, F. Peter Schloerb, Nathaniel P. Carleton, Sam Ragland, Marc G. Lacasse, William C. Danchi, Peter G. Tuthill, Guy S. Perrin, Vincent Coudé du Foresto

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The IOTA (Infrared Optical Telescope Array) has been routinely operating with two-telescopes since 1994, a mode destined to become obsolete following its recent conversion to a three-telescope array. In two-telescope mode, the IOTA has made numerous scientific and technical contributions, see e.g. our list of publications at We present preliminary results on three different topics using recent data from the two-telescope IOTA: (1) measurements of Mira star diameters simultaneously in three different near-infrared spectral bands, (2) measurement of the characteristic size and shape of the source of near-infared emission in the x-ray binary system CI Cam, and (3) aperture synthesis of the Carbon star V Hydrae combining data from the IOTA and from aperture masking at the Keck-I telescope.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)202-209
JournalInterferometry for Optical Astronomy II
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2003


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