Orbcomm - an Antarctic evaluation

David Meldrum, Duncan J L Mercer, Oliver C Peppe

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Last year we described the development and deployment of novel ice drifters in the marginal ice zone of the Weddell Sea. Since then, further deployments have been made in the Odden region of the Greenland Sea. The buoys carried vertical accelerometers for in-situ wave spectral analysis, as well as meteorological and SST sensors. Both deployments have relied on Orbcomm as their primary satellite communications system. In addition to detailing our practical experience in the use of Orbcomm at high latitudes, we will present some of the scientific results regarding ice deformation which are emerging from the our studies of the buoy tracks and sensor data.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)16
Number of pages1
JournalDevelopments in Buoy Technology, Communications and Data Applications. DBCP Tech Doc No 19. WMO, Geneva
Publication statusPublished - 2001


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