Old Norse Loan-Words in Scottish Gaelic: The provenance of Scottish Gaelic words claimed to be from Old Norse

Research output: Other contribution


An analysis of Scottish Gaelic words derived or claimed to be derived from Old Norse; these will be added and sections expanded over time.

A little over 30 years ago, I advocated ‘a thorough study of the Norse loan-word content in [Scottish] Gaelic, searching both place-name and non-place-name material’ (Cox 1991, 492), noting I had made a start, but with little headway since. Old Norse Loan-Words in Scottish Gaelic (ONlwSG) is an attempt at fulfilling that recommendation.
Original languageEnglish
TypeOnline analysis an ligual index
Media of outputOnline specialist web index
PublisherClann Tuirc
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2024

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