title = "Note on the Roman Road at Fall Kneesend, South Lanarkshire",
author = "Jane Downes",
note = "Funding Information: Lawrence Keppie would like to thank Drs D. J. Breeze and N. Fojut of Historic Scotland, Mr J. J. Walker who acted as supervisor, and Dr J. D. Bateson who identified the coin. Jane Downes would like to thank Patrick Ashmore and Gordon Barclay of Historic Scotland, and the excavation team from Glasgow University Archaeological Research Division. Specialist reports were provided by Stephen Carter (soils analysis) and Camilla Dickson (plant macrofossil). The radiocarbon determination was carried out by Gordon Cook of the Scottish Universities Reactor Centre. The illustration was drawn by Keith Speller. Funding Information: thetermsoftheAncientMonumentsand ArchaeologicalAreasAct,atFallKneesend(also referred to asPaddy'sRickleBridge),South Lanarkshire,wassubjecttotworecentepisodesof archaeologicalinvestigation.Thefirstofthese was undertaken in 1987byDrLawrenceKeppie, HunterianMuseum(Frere1988).Thisexcavation took place ahead of the construction of a new accessroadfromtheA74toservethefarmof LittleClyde,andwasfundedbytheHistoric Buildings and Monuments Directorate of the ScottishDevelopmentDepartment(nowHistoric Scotland).Furtherinvestigationsoftheroadand a quarry pit took place in 1992 directed byJane Downes of GUARD (Keppie 1993). The latter excavations werepartoftheinvestigationsofa cairnfieldandlaterstructuresaheadofthe construction ofthe M74(Downesforthcoming). These excavations were funded by the National RoadsDirectorateoftheScottishOffice DevelopmentDepartmentandmanagedontheir behalf by Historic Scodand.",
year = "1996",
month = may,
day = "1",
doi = "10.3366/gas.1996.20.20.113",
language = "English",
volume = "20",
pages = "113--116",
journal = "Scottish Archaeological Journal",
issn = "1471-5767",
publisher = "Edinburgh University Press",
number = "1",