Net Microplankton Production in loch Creran and its approaches in September 2013

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This report describes results from 10 September 2013, when a UHI H3 class on RV Calanus worked a transect of CTD stations from inside Loch Creran to the southern entrance of the Lynn of Lorn. The results include longi- tudinal sections for density and chlorophyll (from calibrated CTD fluorescence), estimates of irradiance attenuation, and estimates of ‘Net Microplankton Production’ (NMP) made by calculation from chlorophyll and illumination data. The distribution of density and chlorophyll was interpreted in relation to the existence of a tidally-enhanced estuarine circulation within the loch. NMP was positive only in a thin near-surface layer, and, like chlorophyll, was less than estimated for the 1970s -- in part because light attenuation was greater in 2013.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationOban
PublisherScottish Association for Marine Science
Number of pages39
Publication statusPublished - 2014

Publication series

NameSAMS Internal Report
PublisherScottish Association for Marine Science


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