Native parasite affecting an introduced host in aquaculture: : cardiac henneguyosis in the red seabream Pagrus major Temminck & Schlegel (Perciformes: Sparidae) caused by Henneguya aegea n. sp. (Myxosporea: Myxobolidae)

Pantelis Katharios, Panos Varvarigos, Kleoniki Keklikoglou, Maja Ruetten, Jerry Sojan, Morgina Akter, Maria Chiara Cascarano, Maria Ioanna Tsertou, Constantina Kokkari

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Background Henneguya Thélohan, 1892 (Myxobolidae) is one of the most species-rich genera of myxosporean parasites infecting fish. Although common in nature, there are few reports of these parasites causing important disease in aquaculture. In this paper, we describe a new species of Henneguya infecting Pagrus major (Temminck & Schlegel), a fish host introduced to the Mediterranean Sea from Japan in the late 1980s. Results Large plasmodia of the parasite were found in the bulbus arteriosus and in the ventricle of the infected fish. Spores were found mainly in the kidney and heart and were accompanied by melanized macrophages or vascular intimal proliferation mixed with a mild non-suppurative response, respectively. Comparisons of morphometric data for spore and polar capsule length and width, suggest a unique combination of features in the newly described species. Molecular analysis, based on 18S rDNA sequence of the parasite, followed by phylogenetic analysis, indicated that the parasite described here is a novel species of Henneguya, clustered with the marine congeneric species. Conclusions Henneguya aegea n. sp. infects in aquaculture P. major, a host introduced as eggs to the Mediterranean from Japan. Despite the high host specificity of the myxobolid parasites, H. aegea n. sp. seems to be able to use P. major as a host and propagate successfully, causing morbidity and mortality. This could result in spillback of the new species from high density cultured non-native P. major to native fish hosts.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages14
JournalParasites & Vectors
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 14 Jan 2020


  • Henneguya aegea n. sp
  • Pagrus major
  • Aquaculture
  • Exotic Species
  • Parasite
  • Myxosporea


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