Monitoring for Adaptive Management of Aquaculture

Research output: Working paper

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Adaptive management is the key to the application of the Ecosystem Approach to the effects of aquaculture on the natural environment. Monitoring is part of adaptive management. Designing a monitoring strategy starts by establishing Environmental (or Ecological) Quality Objectives (EQO) relating to conservation of biodiversity and protection of ecosystem structure and function; this is illustrated with the Qualitative Descriptors of the MSFD and the Ecological Quality Elements of the WFD. The next step is to identify Pressures arising from aquaculture and to determine the spatial and temporal Scales on which they will bring about significant changes in the State of aquatic ecosystems, such as to give rise to a risk of failing the EQO. The most efficient adaptive management requires the preparation of Pressure-State relationships which, with suitable Environmental/Ecological Quality Standards (EQS), and taking account of uncertainties, will allow managers or regulators to plan ahead for the development of farms or industries.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationOban
PublisherScottish Association for Marine Science
Number of pages19
Publication statusPublished - 21 Sept 2017


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