La Bible dans les catéchèses des IVe–Ve siècles

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Cahiers de Biblia Patristica is a series that has been going since 1987, built around the proceedings of conferences at Strasbourg (Protestant yet decidedly ecumenical) and which seems to have found a new lease of life, not least through the support of the publisher Brepols. This volume sees five experts engaged to offer full treatments on the bible in the catechetical writings of Cyril of Jeru-salem (Sébastien Grignon), Ambrose (Aline Canellis), John Chrysostom (Gullaume Bady), Gregory of Nyssa (Matthieu Cassin), and Augustine (Matthieu Pignot): one would be pushed to think of a better team for the task. The preface expresses regret that a final piece on Theodore of Mopsuestia turned out not to be realisable.
Original languageGerman/Deutsch
Pages (from-to)952-953
Number of pages2
JournalTheologische Literaturzeitung
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 30 Oct 2022

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