Investigating and benchmarking best practice in online learning and teaching at the university.

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


This research project took forward a recommendation from an LTA Scholarship received in 2013-14: Clarke et al. (2014) to “evaluate the efficiency of various blended learning strategies”.

The key research questions addressed were:
1.What does UHI actually offer in terms of blended learning and how does that conform or differ from the prevailing paradigm?
2.What works best in terms of the student experience?
3.How can UHI improve their offering?

The researchers undertook a literature review followed by a survey of student views on the Virtual Learning Environment
(VLE), and a review of a selection of module sites on the VLE that were identified as examples of good practice by staff.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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