Intelligent Sand Management

M Oyeneyin, Chris Macleod, Gbenga Oluyemi, Anthony Onukwu

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

    11 Citations (Scopus)


    More than 70% of oil/gas reservoirs worldwide are in various degrees of unconsolidation requiring some elements of sand management. This is more so especially in the Niger Delta as activities extend to the more challenging deepwater environments of offshore West Africa.

    Debate on the most effective sand management strategy has been intense for many years, with different companies adopting different strategies.

    Development of appropriate strategy for the management of reservoirs with sanding problems is rather complex and requires an integrated approach to finding the optimum solution to solving the problem. This requires integration of key aspects of reservoir characterisation, drilling, completion and production technologies including sand tolerances (Seabed wellhead/flowlines, topside facilities). Mitigation of sanding requires reliable sanding prediction, precise well design, accurate technology selection as well as optimum completion strategy. These are transient phenomena requiring a life cycle real time management.

    In this paper attempts have been made to address the key issues with sand management. The paper goes further to provide a case for lifecycle intelligent sand management including the current technological innovations and future challenges in terms of technology gaps

    Highlights of some of the development activities ongoing at The Robert Gordon University are also presented

    The paper ends with an introduction of the Sand Management Network - A Network of upstream oil and gas operating companies and service providers with interest in sand management. The Network purpose is to share successful methods and technologies as well as promote best practices in the management of sand.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2005
    EventNigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition - Abuja, Nigeria
    Duration: 1 Aug 20053 Aug 2005


    ConferenceNigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition
    Abbreviated titleNAICE
    Internet address


    • prediction
    • machine learning
    • reservoir
    • sand production
    • upstream oil & gas
    • completion
    • sand control
    • Formation Evaluation & Management
    • Open hole/cased hole log analysis


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