In Praise of Multiplicity: Pluralism and Contemporary Photographic Art Practices

Mary Modeen, Gina Wall (Illustrator)

    Research output: Other contribution

    1 Citation (Scopus)


    This article examines the practice and theory of complex, multi-layered photographic images in contemporary art. Methods of working in which photographers use the medium to explore variously memory, identity and time in images are examined, and a philosophical case is made for the mandate of plurality as a starting point for art practice, as well as the teaching of art and design. Images that beckon with implicit references are examined and compared, with implications for ‘reading’ multi-layered images. Given the attention to the Other in contemporary thought and culture, the multifaceted adoption of difference and attunement to multiculturalism suggests that perhaps multiplicity as an imaging technique – rather than single perspectives – is appropriate as an artistic device for our times.
    Original languageEnglish
    TypeM Modeen is the author and there is discussion within the paper of the work of Gina Wall, with illustrations and images included.
    Media of outputPhotograhic
    Number of pages13
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2013


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