Exceptional behavior over the whole adsorption-storage-delivery cycle for NO in porous metal organic frameworks

Alistair C McKinlay, Bo Xiao, David S Wragg, Paul S Wheatley, Ian L Megson, Russell E Morris

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378 Citations (Scopus)


Two porous metal organic frameworks (MOFs), [M2(C8H2O6)(H2O)2] x 8 H2O (M = Co, Ni), perform exceptionally well for the adsorption, storage, and water-triggered delivery of the biologically important gas nitric oxide. Adsorption and powder X-ray diffraction studies indicate that each coordinatively unsaturated metal atom in the structure coordinates to one NO molecule. All of the stored gas is available for delivery even after the material has been stored for several months. The combination of extremely high adsorption capacity (approximately 7 mmol of NO/g of MOF) and good storage stability is ideal for the preparation of NO storage solids. However, most important is that the entire reservoir of stored gas is recoverable on contact with a simple trigger (moisture). The activity of the NO storage materials is proved in myography experiments showing that the NO-releasing MOFs cause relaxation of porcine arterial tissue.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10440-4
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of the American Chemical Society
Issue number31
Publication statusPublished - 2008


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