Evaluation - Flourishing Lives: Reflective Practice Groups

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Flourishing Lives is a sector support and development organisation focused on creative opportunities for engagement. They specialise in work that strengthens, supports and develops the older people’s arts and wellbeing sector, provide a spectrum of programmes and services that connect and support coalition members, and amplify the voices of older people. In 2019 Flourishing Lives developed their Reflective Practice offer as one of their seven priority areas of work, in response to feedback from the sector and coalition member organisations. The opportunity to be part of a Reflective Practice Group (RPG) is offered on an open sign-up basis, and organisations can also arrange group or one-to-one sessions for their teams and/or practitioners, with both approaches being led by trained facilitators. This report evaluates the participatory experiences of the artists and creative professionals attending these RPG (funded by The Baring Foundation) through a mixed methods approach of baseline and endline survey and focus group conversations.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages21
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2022


  • Evaluation
  • Reflective practice groups
  • Reflective practice
  • Sector support
  • Participatory arts


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