Embedding Audience Response Systems into Regular Teaching and Learning Practice

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This work evaluates the capabilities of established, having PowerPoint at their core, audience response systems with more recent ‘online only’ counterparts and examines the implications of adopting a specific audience response system for staff teaching practice. The emphasis is made on the analysis of learner’s experience of using audience response systems and its impact on learner’s psychological empowerment.
This project looks at the benefits and challenges of using audience response systems in the classroom as part of developing an active learning pedagogy. The participants are introduced into the domain of active learning guided through the practical steps of using two of the most popular audience response systems and demystify the complexity of incorporating such tools into course design and delivery.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 20 Feb 2020
EventWorkshop, Digi Focus 2020: Staff Conference Day hosted by The University of the Highlands and Islands - Perth College UHI, Perth, United Kingdom
Duration: 12 Feb 202012 Feb 2020


ConferenceWorkshop, Digi Focus 2020: Staff Conference Day hosted by The University of the Highlands and Islands
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • e-learning in tertiary education, peer support, active learning pedagogy, audience response systems


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