Educating for Sustainability in Remote Locations

Morag Redford, Chris Reading, Constance Khupe, Dawn Wallin, Tena Versland, Neil Taylor, Patrick Hampton

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At Atime when social, economic and political decisions, along with environmental events, challenge the viability of remote communities, educaotrs need to better prepare young people in these communities to work towards sustainability. Remote locations can be defined by their inaccessability rather than just distance from the nearest services, while the sustainability construct encapsulates a range of community needs: environmental, social, cultural and economic. This paper describes experiences that involve innovative approaches towards educaiton for sustainability in remote locations in six diverse countries; South Africa, Scotland, Canada, United States of America, Pacific Island Nations, and Australia. For each, the nature of what constitutes a 'remote' location, as ewll as the detail and challenges for the innovation are presented. Readers should consider how they might more suitably educate the next generation to protect, showcase and learning from / with the local knowledges and capacities for the people and environments in remote locations.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)43 - 53
Number of pages11
JournalThe Rural Educator
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 24 Jul 2019


  • rural education
  • educators
  • rural geography
  • sustainability


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