Discussion: Anthropology and citizenship. A rejoinder: Anthropology and citizenship. A rejoinder

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Replies to comments by Catherine Neveu (see record 2005-08783-007), Nigel Rapport (see record 2005-08783-008), and Alexandra Ouroussoff and Christina Toren (see record 2005-08783-009) on my original essay regarding the relationship between anthropology and citizenship. It is always encouraging when an essay generates discussion and particularly when it attracts reactions from such eminent academics as these. The significance of culture for citizenship is a topic of relevance for anthropologists and sociologists alike, and all of the responses endorse the central them of my essay, which is to suggest that anthropologists can make a particularly useful contribution to the study of citizenship. One of the central questions is the extent to which citizenship is related to the question of belonging. Different patterns of citizenship have existed over time. All three responses query my lack of support for a distinction between civic and ethnic nationalism. Ouroussoff and Toren query whether
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)211-213
Number of pages3
JournalSocial Anthropology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2005


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