Deliberative Democratic Monetary Valuation to implement the Ecosystem Approach

Johanne Orchard-webb, Jasper O. Kenter, Ros Bryce, Andrew Church

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The potential for developing the participatory dimensions of the Ecosystem Approach are examined through the work of Habermas to guide the design of Deliberative Democratic Monetary Valuation (DDMV) and elicit social willingness to pay. DDMV is contrasted with Deliberated Preferences approaches, which are a deliberative adaptation of stated preference techniques and comprise almost all Deliberative Monetary Valuation studies so far. In a detailed case study where coastal and marine cultural ecosystem services were set within a broader societal context, DDMV was undertaken through three iterative workshops involving a single group of participants representing local residents and different interests across the public, private and third sectors. The use of DDMV generates insights into its potential for securing a socially sustainable route to environmental management: sustainable development that brings together values for ecosystem services with other social priorities, is more inclusive of diverse user needs and values, and is sensitive to issues of environmental justice. As well as highlighting the benefits and challenges that a more democratic deliberative valuation presents, we highlight the practical strengths and vulnerabilities of this approach and indicate directions for further methodological evolution of DDMV.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)308-318
Number of pages10
JournalEcosystem Services
Issue numberb
Early online date9 Nov 2016
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2016


  • Shared values
  • Deliberative monetary valuation
  • Deliberative democracy
  • Communicative rationality
  • Environmental justice
  • Cultural ecosystem services


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