Could a Coding Bootcamp Experience Prepare You for Industry?

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In recent years, the coding bootcamp phenomenon has firmly established itself as an international response to a perceived shortage of software developers. Some claim this shortage is a result of the growth of the digital economy, while others suggest that it’s somewhat exaggerated and is largely being managed by recruiters. There are a number of factors potential candidates should consider when signing up for a bootcamp: financial implications, time scale, location, and level of commitment required. Bootcamps are generally suitable for those who want rapid entry into the sector, to freshen up their skills, or to change their career path. While university graduates might enter industry with better technical skills than bootcamp gradu-ates, they will have accrued far greater loans and still lack many of the nontechnical skills that po-tential employers prize so highly.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)83-87
Number of pages5
JournalIEEE: IT Professional
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 16 Apr 2018


  • bootcamp
  • software
  • industry
  • training
  • professional
  • graduate
  • recruitment
  • experience
  • software development
  • programming
  • coding
  • career
  • encoding
  • computer languages
  • engineering education
  • DP industry
  • software development management


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