Convergent Pathways in Tertiary Education: What makes our students succeed?

Gillian M. Bain, Graham Wilson

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Previously we reported on the stories of two mature students returning to education after another career were explored and discussed the types of qualifications our students have achieved prior to enrolling on our computer science courses at Moray College UHI. Here, we explore that aspect further and look at possible links between student entry qualifications and the exam grade they achieve at the end of their first year studying with us. We analysed the entrance and exit qualification data from four years of student data available within our organisation and surprisingly it appears that there may be some significant links between specific student entry qualifications and the examination grade with which they exit.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)37-40
Number of pages4
JournalACM Inroads
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jun 2017


  • computing
  • exam success
  • qualifications
  • achievement
  • reading
  • comprehension


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