
Vicky Johnson, Andy West

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the concepts covered in the preceding chapters of this book. The book shows the inclusive participatory processes in research and evaluation with and by children, with adequate time and resources through the case study research to lead to transformational change at individual, organisational and, for some of the examples, at broader societal levels. Key learning presented in the book about context, capacity and power from theory and practice in cases in different global contexts in Asia and the UK has implications for developing strategies for participation practice that takes children beyond voice. In order to support children's agency as relational and contextual, and in so doing to address power dynamics and go beyond voice, transformational change can be supported at individual, institutional and broader societal level. Children and young people who are part of research and evaluation processes have to be considered as central to constructing that process.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationChildren’s Participation in Global Contexts
Number of pages11
ISBN (Electronic)9781315680941
Publication statusPublished - 22 Nov 2018

Publication series

NameChildren’s Participation in Global Contexts


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