Compact Representations in XML Retrieval

Fang Huang, Stuart Watt, David Harper, Malcolm Clark

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

4 Citations (Scopus)


This paper describes the participation of the Information Retrieval and Interaction group of Robert Gordon University in the INEX 2006 ad hoc track. We focused on two questions: What potential evidence do human assessors use to identify relevant XML elements? and How can this evidence be used by computers for the same task? . Our main strategy was to investigate evidence taken not only from the content, but also from the shallow features of how texts were displayed. We employed the vector space model and the language model combining estimates based on element full-text and the compact representation of the element. We analyzed a range of non-content priors to boost retrieval effectiveness.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationComparative Evaluation of XML Information Retrieval Systems
Subtitle of host publication5th International Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval
PublisherSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
Number of pages9
ISBN (Electronic)9783540738886
ISBN (Print)9783540738879
Publication statusPublished - 18 Aug 2007

Publication series

NameComparative Evaluation of XML Information Retrieval Systems


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