Cohesion in mountainous regions of the EU

erik gloersen, Martin Francis Price, andreja borec, thomas dax, benito giordano

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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Their specific potentials and opportunities of mountain areas need to be
considered as much as their challenges. Mountain areas are too diverse
to elaborate an integrated European strategy. However, a framework for
development strategies in mountain areas can be developed, taking into
account the specific challenges and importance of mountain farming, the
high levels of biodiversity in mountain areas, and their specific exposure
to climate change. Cohesion policy could use such a framework to better
address the demographic challenges of many mountain areas and to
promote their economic and social development more efficiently with an
enhanced sustainable development perspective. This also presupposes
more flexible multi-level governance arrangements.
Original languageEnglish
Place of Publicationbrussels
PublisherEuropean Parliament
Commissioning bodyeuropean parliament
Number of pages72
ISBN (Print)978-92-823-8796-2
Publication statusPublished - 15 Feb 2016


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