Research output: Contribution to conferenceOtherpeer-review


C H A T T E R (2015) is a work influenced by concepts of proximal and distal space (Smalley 2007) and to mimic “the ephemeral experience of being elsewhere” (Harrison 2013) Discussion will centre on the aims of the work: to mimic the 'chatter', rhythms, chorus and aural soundscape created by the Provencale cicadas utilised through a network of surrogate computer- based phonic manipulations. In the lavender bushes and mimosas that inhabit the Var hillsides, the listener's attention is drawn to the flocking, granular and antiphonal movement. This is reinforced by those insects that occupy a proximal, almost personal space and those from a distal space – through reflections from the physical terrain. Factors within the work will be discussed: the constraints of a restricted sonic palette, the development of phonic rhythms which mimic the cicada chorus, using electroacoustic and electronica techniques that exploit a multi-dimensional space through the transformation process and the application of a multidimensional mimetic space (Fischman 2008) based upon Emmerson's Language Grid (Emmerson 1986). The work is inspired by the composer's own experience of the cicada chorus during August in the coastal Var region of Southern France. Emmerson, S. (1986) ‘The Relationship of Language to Materals.’ in The Language of Electroacoustic Music. ed. by Emmerson, S. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 17–39 Fischman, R. (2008) ‘Mimetic Space – Unravelled.’ in Organised Sound. vol. 13 (02). 111–122 Harrison, J. (2013) ‘What I Did on My Holidays: The Concrete and the Ephemeral in Acousmatic Composition.’ Journal of Music, Technology & Education 6 (3), 311–322 Smalley, D. (2007) ‘Space-Form and the Acousmatic Image.’ Organised Sound 12 (01), 35
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2015
EventINTIME - Coventry, United Kingdom
Duration: 24 Oct 201525 Oct 2015


Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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