Real time modelling and prediction of harmful algal blooms to minimise their impact on finfish aquaculture

Project Details

Description of project aims

1. To develop a data reporting, recording, visualisation and alert system ( for
harmful phytoplankton cell counts made at salmon aquaculture sites in Scotland (specifically Scottish Sea Farms and Mowi within the project, but with a view to extending this more widely post project).
2. To use the phytoplankton cell counts made at fish farms to initiate a high resolution physicalbiological mathematical models of the Scottish west coast. Running these models allows us to generate predictions of the future (next 5 days) location and timing of potentially fish killing HAB events.
Combined, these activities contribute to SAIC’s priority innovation action PIA 1 “Finfish health and welfare”
AcronymSAIC HABS - Extension
Effective start/end date1/05/2331/12/24

Collaborative partners


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