Looking in from the Edge (LIFTE): The impact of international commercialization on north-west Europe's peripheral communities 1468-1712: production, commerce and consumption in Orkney and Shetland

Other chapter contribution

Search results

  • 2023

    Orkney Trading Families

    Cussans, J., Gardiner, M., Gibbon, S. J., Grassel, P., Harland, J., Holterman, B., Lee, D., Mainland, I. & Rendall, J., Nov 2023, Orkney Looking in from the Edge Shetland: Early Modern Trade in the Northern Isles. Holterman, B. & Grassel, P. (eds.). Bremerhavn, p. 44-47 4 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingOther chapter contribution

    Open Access