Finding Frank: A Bag of Mysteries

  • Sillars, Matt (PI)

Project Details

Description of project aims

A Community Archive project on a small number of images of Frank Grant from1922. Focusing on the development of visual research skills and adding information on a 10 year old deposit to the Highland Photographic Archive.

Layman's description

A Community Archive project on a small number of images of Frank Grant from1922. Focusing on the development of visual research skills and adding information on a 10 year old deposit to the Highland Photographic Archive.

Key funding - quote all funding agency(s)

Outputs: Presentation on the photographs at FLOWPhotofest conference 2017 in Inverness and an exhibition at Inverness Museum and Art Gallery.
Short titleFinding Frank
Effective start/end date3/07/177/09/17

Collaborative partners


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