Evaluation of Restorative Practice

  • McArthur, Shiona (CoI)
  • Moses, Elinor (CoI)

Project Details

Description of project aims

This report contains the full data, analysis and findings of an evaluative research project into Restorative Justice Services provided within the Perth & Kinross local authority area.

Perth College UHI staff, Shiona McArthur and Elinor Moses, were commissioned by the Perth & Kinross Youth Justice Partnership.

Restorative justice and practice has become increasingly prominent over the last ten years in Scotland, and Perth & Kinross council have been particularly active in the adoption of this approach in areas such as youth justice and even schooling.

The aims of the evaluation were to:

¿ Evaluate the experience of restorative justice services as used by persons harmed (by crime)
¿ To gather independent, qualitative data on the experience of service users.
Effective start/end date1/09/1030/09/11


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