Does exercise intensity and experience differ between online home-based exercise classes and face-to-face exercise classes? A randomised, crossover study.

  • Fraser, Matthew James (PI)
  • Crabtree, Daniel R (PI)
  • Gorely, Trish (PI)
  • Muggeridge, David (PI)

Project Details

Description of project aims

Twenty-five, healthy, low-moderately active older adults, will be recruited to take part in a 4-week randomised, crossover study. Participants will participate in 4 sessions of exercise classes across the 4-weeks. These will consist of 2 online home-based exercise classes and 2 sessions of face-to-face exercise classes delivered live by a High Life Highland (HLH). Online classes will be provided using Zoom, which enables two-way interaction and communication. Exercise intensity will be monitored throughout the 4 sessions through the deployment of commercially available wearable devices (Polar heart rate monitor (Polar Verity Sense).
Effective start/end date21/12/2130/06/22


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