Developing a network and resource on the recovery and reintegration of children affected by sexual exploitation

  • Cody, Claire (PI)

Project Details

Description of project aims

This project involves knowledge transfer surrounding the recovery and reintegration of children affected by sexual exploitation and related trafficking internationally. The project involves developing a network of practitioners and researchers working in the field, the development of a `knowledge hub¿ (, and the documentation and dissemination of learning and practice.

A number of sub-projects have been established under this grant including

Monitoring and evaluating reintegration programmes October 2012- present
This project was initiated following a workshop held in Glasgow in October 2012. The workshop brought together those with experience and knowledge in the areas of monitoring and evaluation (M&E), trafficking and reintegration, and included representatives from UNICEF, Save the Children UK, EveryChild, the Oak Foundation and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

One of the outcomes of the workshop was the agreement and support for the development of an inter-agency `toolkit¿ to help organisations monitor and evaluate reintegration programmes for children. An Inter-Agency Steering Group was formed in January 2013 to support the project to develop the toolkit. The group includes representatives from EveryChild, IOM, UNICEF, Save the Children UK, Retrak and Mkombozi.

Documenting practice: Towards good practice in Cambodia June ¿ Sept 2011
The objectives of the initiative were to identify examples of a range of practices that have been implemented in Cambodia to support survivors, to work with practitioners to document their work, and to pilot a template and process for the documentation, reflection and sharing of practices. The initiative was a joint effort and involved a management committee consisting of 10 partners, including the Centre for Rural Childhood, World Vision, The Asia Foundation, IOM and the Secretariat of the National Committee to Lead the Suppression of Human Trafficking, Smuggling, Labour Exploitation and Sexual Exploitation in Cambodia.

The learning collected as part of this project was subsequently shared through the 2nd Annual Practitioners¿ Forum on the Reintegration of Victims of Trafficking: Towards Good Practice, held in Phnom Penh in August 2011.
StatusNot started


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