• United Kingdom

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

I am currently looking to supervise research students in the following research areas:
The archaeology of Christian belief in the North Atlantic (pilgrimage, parochial organisation, materiality of belief, church buildings)

Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Research activity per year

Other chapter contribution

Search results

  • 2023

    Orkney Trading Families

    Cussans, J., Gardiner, M., Gibbon, S. J., Grassel , P., Harland, J., Holterman, B., Lee, D., Mainland, I. & Rendall, J., Nov 2023, Orkney Looking in from the Edge Shetland: Early Modern Trade in the Northern Isles. Holterman, B. & Grassel, P. (eds.). Bremerhavn, p. 44-47 4 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingOther chapter contribution

    Open Access