6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Martin Carruthers with the persons below:
Donna Heddle, FRSE
- Research Office - UHI Head of Research Environment and Culture
- Institute for Northern Studies
- UHI Orkney - Director of the UHI Institute for Northern Studies
Person: Academic - Research and Teaching or Research only, Academic Support
James Moore
- Archaeology Institute - Lecturer in Archaeology
- UHI Orkney - Lecturer
Person: Academic - Research and Teaching or Research only
Nick Card
- UHI Orkney - Senior Projects Manager Ness of Brodgar
- Archaeology Institute
Person: Academic - Research and Teaching or Research only
Julia Cussans
- Archaeology Institute - Postdoctoral Researcher (LIFTE)
Person: Academic - Research and Teaching or Research only
Ingrid Mainland
- UHI Orkney - Senior Lecturer
- Archaeology Institute
- Sustainability Studies
Person: Academic - Research and Teaching or Research only
Gareth Talbot, MCIfA
- Archaeology Institute - Senior Project Officer
Person: Academic - Research and Teaching or Research only