Projects per year
- 300 - 350 out of 368 results
Search results
Social Prescribing for Remote and Rural Scotland: A Mixed Methods Evaluation of Link Workers
Munoz, S.
1/04/21 → 31/03/24
Project: Research
Stakeholder-engaged and digital approaches to coping with the impacts of COVID-19
De Kock, H. (PI)
1/06/20 → 30/11/20
Project: Research
Supporting European coastal regions in their transition to a sustainable blue bioeconomy
17/10/22 → 17/10/25
Project: Research
SATE: Sustainable Aviation & Test Environment (SATE) Project
Todorova, D. (PI)
1/09/20 → 1/09/21
Project: Research
Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Pathfinder Project: Can the Highland Respiratory Pathway be Transformed through Co-design?
Munoz, S., Grindle, M. & Sage, D. B.
2/09/19 → 31/03/22
Project: Research
The Apocalyptic Quotidian: The Everyday Crises of Environments
Bezan, S. (PI), Thomas, A. (CoPI), Razzall, L. (CoPI), Boast, H. (CoPI), Mika-Bresolin, K. (CoPI), Abdalla, D. (CoPI) & French, J. (CoPI)
Project: Research
The co-design and development of a Digital Self Management & Wellbeing Tool in Partnership with Children and Young People with Additional Support Needs
Grindle, M.
1/10/19 → 31/03/21
Project: Consultancy
The current and future skills requirements and labour supply chain bottlenecks in Moray as it transitions to Net Zero
McInnes, K., Anderson, C. & Todorova, D.
29/03/23 → 28/03/25
Project: Research
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The effect of physical activity on appetite control and free-living energy intake in older adults: A pilot study.
Crabtree, D. R., Hickson, K., Cobley, J., Husi, H., Stalmach, A. & Holliday, A.
12/09/22 → …
Project: Research
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The Gearrannan Project: sustainability and continuity on the edge
MacLeod Rivett, M.
1/01/13 → …
Project: Research
The impact of glucose and fructose on endothelial bioenergetics and function: a proteomic approach
Stalmach, A.
1/09/21 → 31/08/22
Project: Research
The Liminal Zone: A Metaphor for the Interface between Teaching and Creative Practice
University of the Highlands and Islands Knowledge Exchange
18/01/21 → 31/03/22
Project: Research
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NaS: The Norse and the Sea: The Maritime Cultural Landscape of Scandinavian Scotland (NaS)
Sanmark, A., McLeod, S., Kalmring, S., Wilken, D., Lu, E. & Jennings, A.
1/02/22 → 9/05/25
Project: Research
The role of reverse electron transfer mediated reactive oxygen species production in fertility: Implications for in vitro fertilisation
Cobley, J.
1/11/19 → 30/04/21
Project: Research
The Social and Cultural Capital of Island Communities: Exploring Mechanisms to Inform the UHI Islands 2020 Strategy
Lind, A. (CoI), Jennings, A. (PI), Caimbeul, I. (PI), Carden, S. (PI), Macaulay, B. (CoI), Davidson, M. (CoI), Lee, D. (CoI) & Rennell, R. (CoI)
7/01/22 → 16/12/22
Project: Research
The T-cell immune response to melanoma
Pritchard, A. (PI), Hutchison, S. (PI) & Mustard, C. (CoI)
Ride to Conquer Cancer, Australian Skin and Skin Cancer (ASSC) Centre
1/08/17 → …
Project: Research
Thinking through Lichen
Thomas, A. (PI), French, J. (PI) & Bezan, S. (PI)
1/04/23 → 30/03/24
Project: Research
Tombs of the Isles
Lee, D. (PI), Thomas, A. (PI), Downes, J. (PI) & Richards, C. (PI)
1/11/19 → 31/03/24
Project: Outreach
Towards an online art therapy service for children with long-term medical conditions: Understanding art therapists' perspective
Zubala, A.
5/04/20 → 7/02/21
Project: Research
Training of Trainers (TOT) Programme: COVID -19 Dementia Education for Care Homes (CODECH
Macaden, L.
Project: Other
Transitioning to adulthood for the neurodiverse and disabled with, ‘What is Out There for an Active Life?'
Clark, M. J., Morris, G., Mustard, B. & Turnbull, I.
30/11/21 → 31/07/22
Project: Research
TRANSECTS: TRANSitions In Energy For Coastal Communities Over Time And Space (TRANSECTS)
Thomas, A. (CoI), Harland, J. (CoI), Bevan, A. (CoI) & Lee, D. (Researcher)
1/04/24 → 31/03/28
Project: Research
Tuna Revisited. The place-name Tuna, the diffusion of linguistic innovations and the emergence of central places in Northern Europe during the first millennium A.D.
Brink, S. (PI) & Vikstrand, P. (PI)
1/04/19 → 30/09/22
Project: Research
UHI HSBI: UHI Hub for the Study of British Identities
MacPherson, J. & Lindfield-Ott, K.
Project: Research
Understanding the experience of the covid-19 pandemic for residents with LTCs, their families, carers and community support organisations in remote and rural areas of the Highlands and Islands (UHI COVID – 19 Call)
Munoz, S., Smith, A., Carolan, C. & Macaden, L.
Project: Research
Universal Birth Registration and Gender
Wallace, R., Audsley, A., McCloy, N. M. & Wylie, K.
1/06/11 → 31/10/11
Project: Research
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Unmasking Masks: rethinking concepts of personhood in Europe 40,000–4,000 BCE
Conneller, C. & Elliott, B.
1/10/19 → 30/09/22
Project: Research
Use of lung ascites to diagnose mesothelioma by detecting genetic changes to BAP1
1/01/22 → 31/12/22
Project: Research