Activities per year
- 43 results
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Sandhem Midden Excavation Advisory Committee
Benjamin Elliott (Member)
13 Feb 2024Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
ICES Workshop to evaluate the utility of industry-derived data for enhancing scientific knowledge and providing data for stock assessments (WKEVUT)
Katie Brigden (Speaker)
4 Apr 2022 → 6 Apr 2022Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
ICES Workshop on Data Standards and Guidelines (WKDSG)
Katie Brigden (Speaker)
23 Nov 2020 → 26 Nov 2020Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Chair of EuroMarine Young Scientist Working Group
Winnie Courtene-Jones (Member)
Apr 2018 → …Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Scotland's Rock Art Project (ScRAP)
Thomas, A. (Advisor)
2017 → 2021Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Steering Group Member of the Scottish Coastal Forum
Lucy Greenhill (Member)
20 Mar 2016Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Scottish Government, Scottish Offshore Renewables Research Framework (SpORRAN) Fish Receptor Group
Clive Fox (Member)
2016 → …Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
National Science Foundation, USA: peer reviewer
Robert Turnewitsch (Reviewer)
20 Oct 2015 → 21 Oct 2015Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland
Thomas, A. (Contributor)
2015Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Co-Chair of the Marine Spatial Planning Working Group
Lucy Greenhill (Chair)
20 Jul 2015Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
ICES Working Group on Marine Planning and Coastal Zone Management (WGMPCZM)
Lucy Greenhill (Member)
22 Sept 2015 → 20 Jun 2019Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Deep-Sea Forum Steering Committee
Robert Turnewitsch (Member)
2014Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Working Group on Marine Benthal and Renewable Energy Developments
Tom Wilding (Member)
24 Mar 2014Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Cumulative Impact Assessment
Tom Wilding (Chair)
2 May 2014Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
ICES Expert working group meeting- Marine planning and Coastal Zone Management
Shucksmith, R. (Member)
7 Apr 2014 → 11 Apr 2014Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Attend Working Group on Marine Benthal and Renewable Energy Developments
Tom Wilding (Member)
18 Mar 2013Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Expert advice/comments on proposed structure for deep-sea section of Marine Habitat Classification
David Hughes (Reviewer)
Jun 2013 → Jul 2013Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Society of Automotive Engineers Green Racing Protocols Committee
Pete Hylton (External Examiner)
2013 → 2014Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
MASTS Annual Science Meeting: talk
Robert Turnewitsch (Speaker)
28 Aug 2013Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Member of the Science and Innovation Strategy Board (SISB)
Angela Hatton (Member)
2013 → 2016Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design Thematic Network UArctic
Permar, R. (Member)
1 Nov 2013 → …Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
NERC Peer-Review College Pool of Chairs
Angela Hatton (Chair)
2013 → 2016Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
PhD examination
Keith Davidson (External Examiner)
Dec 2013Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Deep-Sea Forum Steering Committee
Robert Turnewitsch (Member)
2013 → …Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
General Annual Assembly for the UK Peat Society - a branch of the International Peatland Society
Roxane Andersen (Member)
3 Sept 2013 → 3 Sept 2014Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
PhD viva at Napier
Michele Stanley (External Examiner)
16 Jul 2012Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Council member of the International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae
Keith Davidson (Member)
2012 → 2014Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Medieval Rituals in Focus - a research network based at the University of Gothenburg (Göteborg), leading to the publication of an anthology on Medieval Ritual (Brepols).
Alexandra Sanmark (Contributor)
2012 → 2014Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Deep-Sea Forum Steering Committee
Robert Turnewitsch (Member)
2012 → …Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Member of the NOC Association Board
Angela Hatton (Member)
2012 → 2016Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Review of the next (5th) IPCC Assessment Report
Dmitry Aleynik (Reviewer)
5 Oct 2012 → 30 Nov 2012Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Membership Secretary
Carden, S. (Member)
2012 → 2016Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Membership of Marine Strategy Framework Directive Benthic Habitats Expert Group
David Hughes (Member)
Dec 2012 → …Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Hjaltland Research Network - a research network concerned with digital mapping of all aspects of the Viking World
Alexandra Sanmark (Member)
2011 → 2013Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Mark Inall (Member)
2011 → …Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Ocean Processes Evidence Group
Mark Inall (Member)
2011 → …Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Member of panel for the selection of a PhD student (HERA project).
Alexandra Sanmark (Member)
2010Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Nordic Gender Network
Alexandra Sanmark (Member)
2010 → …Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Member of panel for the selection of a PhD student at Oslo University (HERA project).
Alexandra Sanmark (Member)
2010Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Member of the advisory board for PhD Student Marie Ødegaard
Alexandra Sanmark (External Examiner)
2009 → 2014Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
ICES Crab Working Group
Mouat, B. (Member)
2006 → 2015Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Member of the Young Academy of Scotland
Mary Doherty (Member)
30 Nov 2001 → …Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Society of Automotive Engineers Motorsports Committee
Pete Hylton (Member)
1800 → …Activity: KE and Outreach activities › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups