Activities per year
- 524 Participation in conference
- 452 Types of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation
- 417 Publication peer-review
- 387 Participation in workshop, seminar, course
- 309 Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition
- 282 Types of Public engagement and outreach - Schools engagement
- 281 Invited talk
- 262 Types of Public engagement and outreach - Public lecture/debate/seminar
- 252 Types of External academic engagement - Membership of peer review panel or committee
- 227 Types of Business and Community - Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
- 190 Oral presentation
- 83 Types of External academic engagement - Invited talk
- 83 Types of External academic engagement - Research and Teaching at External Organisation
- 62 Editorial activity
- 42 Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
- 30 Organising a conference
- 29 Examination
- 24 Consultancy
- 22 Membership of committee
- 16 Membership of network
- 16 Types of Public engagement and outreach - Social networking
- 12 Other
- 11 Types of External academic engagement - Membership of external research organisation
- 8 Types of Award - Election to learned society
- 7 Hosting an academic visitor
- 7 Visiting an external academic institution
- 6 Types of Award - Other distinction
- 6 Types of External academic engagement - Hosting an academic visitor
- 5 Types of Business and Community - Work on advisory panel to industry or government or non-government organisation
- 5 Types of External academic engagement - External PhD Supervision
- 4 Types of Business and Community - Consultancy (in kind)
- 4 Types of Public engagement and outreach - Work on advisory panels for social community and cultural engagement
- 3 Membership of board
- 3 Types of Award - Fellowship awarded competitively
- 2 Types of Award - Appointment
- 2 Types of Business and Community - CPD delivery/organisation of courses for externals (in kind)
- 2 Types of Business and Community - Hosting of external, non-academic visitor
- 2 Podcast or webinar
- 1 Membership of council
- 1 Types of Award - National/international honour
- 1 Types of Award - Prize (including medals and awards)
- 0 results