Student theses
- 9 results
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Sùilean Gàidhlig, Speuclairean Beurla - Dathan ann an Litreachas agus Dualchas Nitheil
Author: Powell, C., 27 Aug 2024Supervisor: Bateman, M. (Supervisor) & Cheape, H. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis › Master of Research (awarded by UHI)
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Càite a bheil settings? Fèin-aithne agus ideòlasan cànain luchd-labhairt aig Cearcaill Chòmhraidh na Gàidhlig tro mheadhan cleachdaidhean na Beurla
Author: Flower, I. J., 25 Sept 2022Supervisor: Armstrong, T. C. (Supervisor) & NicLeòid, M. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Master's Thesis › Master of Research (awarded by UHI)
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Bàrdachd Baile an Naoidheamh Linn Deug – Ath-mheasadh
Author: Howieson, I. G., 8 May 2021Supervisor: Bateman, M. (Supervisor) & Cox, R. A. V. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy (awarded by UHI)
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Supporting community-led digital moving image archives: Between grubby flesh and insubstantial pixel.
Author: Darrell Hewins, M. R., 5 Oct 2021Supervisor: Clarke, S. (Supervisor) & Stiùbhart, D. U. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy (awarded by UHI)
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Telebhisean mar ghoireas poileasaidh cànain: a chleachdadh aig cloinn dà-chànanaich
Author: NicNèill, C. M., 17 Sept 2018Supervisor: Armstrong, T. C. (Supervisor), Bateman, M. (Supervisor) & Munro, G. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy (awarded by OU/Aberdeen)
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Heather and hill and Highland cattle: ath-mheasadh air ìomhaighean den Ghàidhealtachd, c.1850 – 1910
Author: MacDougall, E. B., 31 Jul 2016Supervisor: Bateman, M. (Supervisor), MacDonald, M. (External person) (Supervisor) & Wall, G. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy (awarded by OU/Aberdeen)
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Cànain agus Cultar ann am Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig: Neartan, Duilgheadasan agus am Buaidh air Comasan is Seasamhan Cànain na h-Òigridh
Author: NicLeòid, S., 31 Jul 2014Supervisor: Mac an Tàilleir, I. (Supervisor), Cox, R. A. V. (Supervisor) & Dunbar, R. (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy (awarded by OU/Aberdeen)
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North West of Scotland and Western Norway: A comparative study of factors which can impact on small-scale agriculture within similar peripheral communities
Author: Parsons, G. C., 26 Nov 2011Supervisor: Munro, G. (Supervisor) & Stradling, R. (External person) (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy (awarded by OU/Aberdeen)
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Stèidheachadh Ghnàthan-cànain Ùra Cuairteachadh Ideòlais-chànain ann an Trì Gaeltachtaí Nua
Author: Armstrong, T. C., 28 Nov 2009Supervisor: Mac an Taillier, I. (External person) (Supervisor), Bateman, M. (Supervisor) & Walsh, J. (External person) (Supervisor)
Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis › Doctor of Philosophy (awarded by OU/Aberdeen)