Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 144 results
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The effect of physical activity on appetite control and free-living energy intake in older adults: A pilot study.
Crabtree, D. R., Hickson, K., Cobley, J., Husi, H., Stalmach, A. & Holliday, A.
12/09/22 → …
Project: Research
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Promoting physical activity in the management of type 2 diabetes: a pilot study to explore tools for the delivery and outcomes of diabetes-specific education.
MacRury, S. & Crabtree, D. R.
1/01/19 → …
Project: Research
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Listen Well - A pilot study to explore the application an innovative Digital Narrative Approach to help participants 'Listen Well' in therapeutic contexts, at School, Home and in the Community.
Grindle, M. & Zubala, A.
10/10/18 → …
Project: Research
Does polyphenol supplementation suppress the increase in oxidative stress and inflammation caused by reduced physical activity?
Crabtree, D. R., Megson, I., Hickson, K., Cobley, J., Goszcz, K., Muggeridge, D. & Gorely, T.
24/04/18 → …
Project: Research
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The T-cell immune response to melanoma
Pritchard, A., Hutchison, S. & Mustard, C.
Ride to Conquer Cancer, Australian Skin and Skin Cancer (ASSC) Centre
1/08/17 → …
Project: Research
Identification of genetic predisposition to familial melanoma and related cancers
Pritchard, A., Mustard, C. & Hutchison, S.
1/08/17 → …
Project: Research
1048IM: Inverness and Highland City-Region Deal
Megson, I., Giangreco, A. & MacRury, S.
1/01/17 → 31/07/27
Project: Other
Not started
ODESNE: Co-production of an Online Dignity Engagement Space for Nurse Education
Mantle, R., Macaden, L., Munoz, S., Webster, E., MacMillan, J., Angus, N. J., Hudson, L. & Ellis, L.
Project: Research
Understanding the experience of the covid-19 pandemic for residents with LTCs, their families, carers and community support organisations in remote and rural areas of the Highlands and Islands (UHI COVID – 19 Call)
Munoz, S., Smith, A., Carolan, C. & Macaden, L.
Project: Research
Evaluation of a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease self-management tool for NHS Highland
Megson, I., Sage, D. B. & Giangreco, A.
Project: Consultancy
Communities in History: Harnessing the Creative Power of People to Improve Health and Wellbeing
Munoz, S., Williams, G., Elliot, E., Saltus, R., Fazil, Q., Barker, C. & Seaman, P.
Project: Research
Person and Relationship Centered CogniCare within the Dementia Care Triad
Macaden, L., Melchiore, G., Muirhead, K., Mantle, R., Ditta, G. & Smith, A.
Project: Consultancy
User-led design of a digital health technology for improving dementia care
Macaden, L.
Project: Consultancy
Training of Trainers (TOT) Programme: COVID -19 Dementia Education for Care Homes (CODECH
Macaden, L.
Project: Other
Care Home COVID Experience (SFC Research Uplift)
Macaden, L., Beattie, M. & Carolan, C.
Project: Research
Percutaneous coronary intervention monitoring to facilitate accelerated patient discharge
Leslie, S. J. & Leslie, S.
Project: Consultancy
Validating decontamination systems to help reduce hospital-acquired infection
Whitfield, P. D.
Project: Consultancy
Wildlife - A pilot study exploring the application of an innovative Digital Narrative Approach to engage and support adolescents with mental health in remote areas of three developing nations internationally
Grindle, M., Zubala, A. & Munoz, S.
Project: Research
Online virtual consultation platform for rural communities with 3D modelling interactive features
Clark, M. J., Munoz, S. & Logie, D.
Project: Research
SIPA2: Improving the Pharmaceutical Care of Older People with Sensory Impairment
Smith, A. & Macaden, L.
Project: Research
Exploring malnutrition in later life in the Western Isles of Scotland
Crabtree, D. R., Carolan, C. & Johnstone, A. M.
1/02/23 → 30/04/23
Project: Other
MRes project: Evaluating the impact of the sportscotland Highlands & Islands Performance Development Programme using survey-based research and interviews.
Crabtree, D. R., Gorely, T. & Pitkethly, A.
1/10/22 → 1/10/24
Project: Research
MANUP: Exploring Male Attitudes towards Nursing as a Profession
Cameron, M. & Thomas, S.
18/04/22 → 17/04/23
Project: Research
COVID -19 Dementia Education for Care Homes (CODECH) – Phase 3
Macaden, L.
28/01/22 → 27/01/23
Project: Research
Use of lung ascites to diagnose mesothelioma by detecting genetic changes to BAP1
1/01/22 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
Does exercise intensity and experience differ between online home-based exercise classes and face-to-face exercise classes? A randomised, crossover study.
Fraser, M. J., Crabtree, D. R., Gorely, T. & Muggeridge, D.
21/12/21 → 30/06/22
Project: Research
Exploring young people’s understandings of relationships and sexual health in rural island communities
MacGilleEathain, R.
25/10/21 → 24/10/22
Project: Research
MRes project: The science of shinty: a needs analysis and training considerations
McKernie, J., Crabtree, D. R., Gorely, T. & Kavaliauskas, M.
1/10/21 → 1/10/23
Project: Research
Improving mental well being of LGBTIQ+ people through sport and physical activity
MacGilleEathain, R.
1/10/21 → 31/03/23
Project: Research
What works with existing peer research examining support and strength-based pro-social modelling around non medicalised interventions for positive perinatal and infant mental health.
Clark, M. J., Munoz, S., Morrison, M. & Tweedlie, H.
23/09/21 → 23/09/22
Project: Research
Co-production of a self-management intervention to improve the health and wellbeing and quality of life of people with a parastomal hernia
Hubbard, G.
1/09/21 → 28/02/23
Project: Research
The impact of glucose and fructose on endothelial bioenergetics and function: a proteomic approach
Stalmach, A.
1/09/21 → 31/08/22
Project: Research
Additional funding for staff to develop simulated clinical placements within universities (COVID Funding)
Smith, A.
1/08/21 → 1/08/22
Project: Other
An active nano-surface for the detection of airborne hospital pathogens by optical spectroscopy (NAPOS)
25/06/21 → 24/12/21
Project: Research
Is there a correlation between self-reported fatigue and biomarkers for fatigue in low risk breast cancer?
1/06/21 → 30/11/21
Project: Research
Assessing the usability and adherence to wearable technology and the RADAR-base platform in online home-based exercise (pilot study)
Crabtree, D. R., Fraser, M. J., Muggeridge, D., Gorely, T., Hickson, K., Megson, I. & Giggins, O.
12/04/21 → 30/09/21
Project: Research